Week by Week Pregnancy Guide - As an expecting mother, knowing your pregnancy week by week helps you to anticipate what lies ahead and to be prepared. Here is a guide to help you understand this special period, in a simplified manner.
The pregnancy term of 40 weeks is divided into three stages:
First trimester (Week 1-Week 14)
During the first three weeks of pregnancy, the egg and sperm unite to form the embryo. On monitoring your pregnancy week by week, towards the end of the fourth week you may detect the early signs.
This time, the mother's body goes through many changes since a baby is growing in her. Most women complain of nausea, backaches and morning sickness.
The pregnancy term of 40 weeks is divided into three stages:
First trimester (Week 1-Week 14)
During the first three weeks of pregnancy, the egg and sperm unite to form the embryo. On monitoring your pregnancy week by week, towards the end of the fourth week you may detect the early signs.
This time, the mother's body goes through many changes since a baby is growing in her. Most women complain of nausea, backaches and morning sickness.
The formation and development of the various organs of the baby such as the spine, stomach, intestines, liver, lungs, pancreas, heart, eyes, ears, sex organs, arms and legs take place between weeks 5 and 10.
Around the 11th week of pregnancy, you will begin to feel healthier as the morning sickness reduces. Your baby continues to develop. By being aware of the changes that take place in your pregnancy week by week, you'll know that your baby's heartbeat can be heard using a Doppler in Week 14.
Second trimester (Week 15- Week 26)
By the end of Week 17, your baby will be able to blink, swallow and suck. She will gain weight rapidly. You will experience a decrease in your need to urinate.
Towards the 21st week of pregnancy, your baby's development is sufficient to considerably reduce the chances of miscarriage.
Between Weeks 21 and 26, your baby puts on more weight and becomes stronger. At the end of the 24th week, your baby's heartbeat grows so strong that you can hear it by placing your ear on your stomach! Track your pregnancy week by week and don't miss out on this milestone!
Third trimester (Week 27-Week 40)
In Week 27, your baby starts moving her arms and legs vigorously. On an average you will feel five kicks per hour. A baby born in the 28th week has a good chance to survive. At the end of Week 29 your baby will be able to differentiate between dark and light. If you have been following your pregnancy week by week you'll realise that by the 31st week, your baby's senses of sight, sound, taste are fully functional. Your baby now has the capacity to memorize and learn.
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